I have helped hundreds of people form their business. I have assisted with buying, selling, and modifying businesses. You don't have to do it alone. You don't have to rely on a big law firm and the hefty price tags to ensure you are taking care of your passion project.
As a small business owner myself, I know all about the challenges and hurdles that come along with the exhilaration and excitement of running a small business.
Let me help you with the ankle biting stuff that can trip you up as you form or grow your business. If you need help forming, running, or changing your business, let me know. If you just need an agreement reviewed before you execute it, let me review it first.
My small business story
I kind of fell into running my own law firm. The law firm for which I previously worked was being absorbed by a large international law firm, and although the offer of employment was flattering and intriguing, the billable hour requirement was something that I knew I could not meet with my conflicting personal requirements and desire to be a present father and husband. I had also received some inquiries from potential clients that needed representation quickly on matters that other law firms had turned down due to the unique nature of the issue at hand.
Fortune favors the bold (audaces fortuna juvat for fellow latinophiles). So, I formed a Professional Limited Liability Company and hit the ground running. I prevailed at that first administrative hearing, and have been working hard for my clients in obtaining beneficial results since then. I've had the opportunity to represent great clients, add employees, and create systems to maximize productivity.
There is freedom in running your own business. There are also considerable demands. Let me help you navigate the process.